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Liposuction for Men

Liposuction is still the best way to remove unwanted body fat which has not responded to diet and exercise. In experienced hands the results are beautiful and predictable. The instruments are smaller and the procedure is gentler, allowing for detailed body contouring that facilitates the best shape possible for any given individual. It is best done with tumescent anaesthesia using local anaesthetic which is infiltrated only in the parts of the body that require reshaping. Sedation is always given to enhance the comfort. You may be surprised at how painless the whole procedure is.

  • Man Boobs
  • Abdomen "Create a SIX PACK!"
  • Chin
Man BoobsMan BoobsMan Boobs
Men's AbdomenMen's AbdomenMen's Abdomen "Create a SIX PACK!"
In a male the purpose of doing Liposuction under Local Anaesthetic of the Chin, Jawline & Neck is to masculinize the face. We have achieved that here and the new haircut further emphasizes that. Body Contouring with Liposuction is a very versatile tool.
  • Back & Hips
Men's Abdomen

Ashbrooke Cosmetic Surgery located in Parramatta