Welcome to The Ashbrooke Cosmetic Surgery
Look Great and Feel Confident
CALL US TODAY 02 9890 2300 ashbrookeparra@bigpond.com
Varicose Veins & Spider Veins
Varicose Veins
Wrinkle Treatments
Muscle Relaxant Injections - Forehead
There are two types of lines in the forehead - the Dynamic ones & the Static ones. Dynamic Lines are those you see when you are moving the muscles as seen in this case when our patient lifts her eye brows to look up. Static Lines are those that you can see when your muscles are not moving. Dynamic Lines respond very well to injections of a Muscle Relaxant as you see in our patient here. How much is needed varies from person to person & of course depends on how strong the muscles are. Gender makes a difference too. Males need more than Females because Male have bigger muscles in the same area of the face or body. When shown before & after pictures make sure the patient is shown making the same movement before & after. Otherwise it is difficult to assess how good the results are.
Dermal Products
Lip volume treatment
Lip volume treatment
Scar in Chin after Mole removal.
Scar in Chin after Mole removal.
Lip Treatments
Lip Treatments
Hand Rejuvenation
Before & After Hand Rejuvenation
Before & After Hand Rejuvenation

Ashbrooke Cosmetic Surgery located in Parramatta & Crows Nest

AHPRA REG NO.MED0000941444
General Registration
Medical Practitioner