Welcome to The Ashbrooke Cosmetic Surgery
Look Great and Feel Confident
CALL US TODAY 02 9890 2300 ashbrookeparra@bigpond.com


It is no longer about big lips – today it is about a natural look and proportion to enhance rather than to become a case for ridicule. The lines in the upper lip can also be done at the same time and the corners of the mouth can also be lifted when the lips are enhanced. As far as we are concerned, no two lips are the same. Each treatment is individualised according to your needs.

Lip Treatments
Lip Treatments
Lip volume treatment
Lip volume treatment
Lip Treatments
Lip Treatments
It’s not all about size when it comes to lips. How about glamour & harmony.
It’s not all about size when it comes to lips. How about glamour & harmony.

Ashbrooke Cosmetic Surgery located in Parramatta & Crows Nest

AHPRA REG NO.MED0000941444
General Registration
Medical Practitioner