About our clinic

Welcome to Ashbrooke

The Ashbrooke is now known throughout Australia as one of the most experienced surgeries in the field of liposuction.

Liposuction is the most sought after cosmetic treatment in our clinic. Our speciality is tumescent liposuction performed under local anaesthesia.

Our team of doctors and theatre staff have extensive knowledge in managing patients liposuction, having seen and performed procedures on patients of every shape and size. Our record of excellent results, high levels of patient satisfaction and very low complication rates have made us one of the leading names in liposuction in Australia.

To share our accumulated expertise with other cosmetic practitioners, we have held a number of workshops in liposuction over the years. We also work very closely with The Australasian College of Cosmetic Surgery in their training program for medical and surgical registrars of the college. All our doctors belong to the Liposuction Register of the College, upon which only those who have performed a minimum of one hundred surgeries can be listed.

  • Determine what you want a change;
  • Сheck out our services and prices;
  • Call us for a chat: 02 9890 2300

Our advantages

Why customers choose us

Over 25 Years Experience

We have been looking after our patients since 1993


Our Cosmetic Surgery team is dedicated to providing our patients with the highest level of care ensuring a beautiful, safe and effective outcome.


All specialists work in communication with each other, and often decide together.

Ashbrooke Cosmetic Surgery located in Parramatta