
Liposuction can be done on all parts of the legs. Not all areas can be done at the same time. The most common combination is grouping the Outer Thighs, Inner Thighs and Knees together. When the Outer Thighs are done almost always the Lower Outer Corners of the Buttocks are also trimmed at the same time. This results in a tighter, rounder set of buttocks. Outer Thighs and the Lower Butts can be done in a single procedure or Inner Thighs down to the Knees can be done as a single procedure. Anterior ie Front of Thighs and the Back of the Thighs can be done together in a single procedure. Generally, all four areas ie Outer, Inner, Front and Back of Thighs  are not done at the same time as this will result in prolonged swelling of the legs due to interference in the Lymphatic System.

The Lower Legs including the areas around and above the ankles (commonly called Cankles) respond well to Liposuction.

Due to prolonged swelling in the legs that may result the Upper Legs and the Lower Legs are not done together in the same procedure.

Compression garments are provided and need to be worn for 3 weeks at least for the Upper Legs and following the procedure in the Lower Legs extra compression is required and this comes inn the form of compression panty hose which may be required for up to 3 months day and night.

Liposuction of the legs is probably the most common procedure asked for after the Abdomen & Hips. Again it is a Walk in Walk out procedure and you are back at work in 3 days. You can continue with your housework from the next day or drive a car after 24 hours.

Liposuction Abdomen Hips Legs - Front View
Liposuction Abdomen Hips Legs - Front View
Liposuction Abdomen Hips Legs - Back View
Liposuction Abdomen Hips Legs - Back View
Liposuction Left Outer Thigh - Front View
Liposuction Left Outer Thigh - Front View
Liposuction Left Outer Thigh - Back View
Liposuction Left Outer Thigh - Back View
Anterior Thighs ( Front ) can be a problem for some people especially when wearing tighter jeans & more fitting slacks. The solution here is Liposuction under Local Anaesthetic. Literally this is the solution for almost all areas of the body requiring re-shaping. Done well the results look very natural. No scars to give you away after it’s done.
Anterior Thighs ( Front ) can be a problem for some people especially when wearing tighter jeans & more fitting slacks. The solution here is Liposuction under Local Anaesthetic. Literally this is the solution for almost all areas of the body requiring re-shaping. Done well the results look very natural. No scars to give you away after it’s done.
The first thing that strikes you is the bigger gap in the Inner Thighs & the next feature you see is the smoother line from the hip to the Outer Thighs. Then you begin to notice the slimmer Waist. All very subtle. As the late Pierre Fournier, one of the pioneers of Liposuction used to say - “ It’s not about how much you take out. It’s about where you take out & how much you leave behind” Pierre was so good in his work & so fit & when I was lucky enough to be in his Master Class he was already in his late seventies. Whatever field you are in - its all about the two “E’s “ - Experience & Expertise.
The first thing that strikes you is the bigger gap in the Inner Thighs & the next feature you see is the smoother line from the hip to the Outer Thighs. Then you begin to notice the slimmer Waist. All very subtle. As the late Pierre Fournier, one of the pioneers of Liposuction used to say - “ It’s not about how much you take out. It’s about where you take out & how much you leave behind” Pierre was so good in his work & so fit & when I was lucky enough to be in his Master Class he was already in his late seventies. Whatever field you are in - its all about the two “E’s “ - Experience & Expertise.
I just want that Box Gap which I have been training so hard to get & yet is unable to get it. “ Box Gap is that space between the upper part of the Inner Thighs. This was achieved with Liposuction under Local Anaesthetic and the Saddle Bags ( Outer Thighs) were also reduced at the same time to produce a slimmer shape so she can get into the slim jeans that is the fashion today. The result here is 3 months after the procedure. Liposuction is about Body Shaping. It’s not about losing weight. It’s for anyone, big or small where you have a disproportionate shape, where a part of you is bigger than it should be & you want to correct the disproportion. You don’t have to. You just want to. You don’t have to buy a Chanel. You just want to. Liposuction is the ultimate in Body Shaping- The Gold Standard. Against which all other methods are measured.
I just want that Box Gap which I have been training so hard to get & yet is unable to get it. “ Box Gap is that space between the upper part of the Inner Thighs. This was achieved with Liposuction under Local Anaesthetic and the Saddle Bags ( Outer Thighs) were also reduced at the same time to produce a slimmer shape so she can get into the slim jeans that is the fashion today. The result here is 3 months after the procedure. Liposuction is about Body Shaping. It’s not about losing weight. It’s for anyone, big or small where you have a disproportionate shape, where a part of you is bigger than it should be & you want to correct the disproportion. You don’t have to. You just want to. You don’t have to buy a Chanel. You just want to. Liposuction is the ultimate in Body Shaping- The Gold Standard. Against which all other methods are measured.
Another lesson to learn here is that this person has no way of getting her proportions right even if she got her weight down to the ideal weight. Take a close look at her waist - it’s a normal 10-12. Yet the Outer Thighs need a size 24. There is no exercise routine or any weight reduction program that we know that will teach the human body to just lose weight or bulk in a particular section of the body. We will lose weight all over & the disproportions remain. This is a disorder of Fat Metabolism & of The Lymphatic System - Lymphodema. Regaining the proportions gives the person back her dignity & her confidence in life. Another lesson to learn here is not to jump to conclusions too quickly & label such people as unmotivated or worse still call them lazy.
Another lesson to learn here is that this person has no way of getting her proportions right even if she got her weight down to the ideal weight. Take a close look at her waist - it’s a normal 10-12. Yet the Outer Thighs need a size 24. There is no exercise routine or any weight reduction program that we know that will teach the human body to just lose weight or bulk in a particular section of the body. We will lose weight all over & the disproportions remain. This is a disorder of Fat Metabolism & of The Lymphatic System - Lymphodema. Regaining the proportions gives the person back her dignity & her confidence in life. Another lesson to learn here is not to jump to conclusions too quickly & label such people as unmotivated or worse still call them lazy.
3 mths after Liposuction under Local Anaesthetic. The combo of Outer & Inner Thighs is probably the most common area that we are asked to do. Tips: Make sure the surgeon includes the Inner Knees & the Lower Outer parts of the buttocks which gives the butt a more rounder shape. Another Tip: Make sure the areas in the uppermost parts of the Inner Thighs close to the groins are taken care of to give the legs that longer & slimmer look. So the Technique & the Expertise here is all important.
3 mths after Liposuction under Local Anaesthetic. The combo of Outer & Inner Thighs is probably the most common area that we are asked to do. Tips: Make sure the surgeon includes the Inner Knees & the Lower Outer parts of the buttocks which gives the butt a more rounder shape. Another Tip: Make sure the areas in the uppermost parts of the Inner Thighs close to the groins are taken care of to give the legs that longer & slimmer look. So the Technique & the Expertise here is all important.

Ashbrooke Cosmetic Surgery located in Parramatta