Liposuction can be done on all parts of the legs. Not all areas can be done at the same time. The most common combination is grouping the Outer Thighs, Inner Thighs and Knees together. When the Outer Thighs are done almost always the Lower Outer Corners of the Buttocks are also trimmed at the same time. This results in a tighter, rounder set of buttocks. Outer Thighs and the Lower Butts can be done in a single procedure or Inner Thighs down to the Knees can be done as a single procedure. Anterior ie Front of Thighs and the Back of the Thighs can be done together in a single procedure. Generally, all four areas ie Outer, Inner, Front and Back of Thighs are not done at the same time as this will result in prolonged swelling of the legs due to interference in the Lymphatic System.
The Lower Legs including the areas around and above the ankles (commonly called Cankles) respond well to Liposuction.
Due to prolonged swelling in the legs that may result the Upper Legs and the Lower Legs are not done together in the same procedure.
Compression garments are provided and need to be worn for 3 weeks at least for the Upper Legs and following the procedure in the Lower Legs extra compression is required and this comes inn the form of compression panty hose which may be required for up to 3 months day and night.
Liposuction of the legs is probably the most common procedure asked for after the Abdomen & Hips. Again it is a Walk in Walk out procedure and you are back at work in 3 days. You can continue with your housework from the next day or drive a car after 24 hours.